List of ffmpeg commands
List of ffmpeg commands

The total number of images extracted from the video will become 9 (1 image x 9.13 seconds).įfmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf scale=640:-1 %04d.pngįor example, the command above sets the width to 640 pixels. The frames of the video will be dropped as the original frame rate is 30 fps. On the contrary, the frames of the video will be duplicated if the original frame rate is lower.įor example, adding -vf fps=1 to the basic command will re-encode the video to 1 fps. If the original frame rate of the video is higher than the specified frame rate, the frames in the video will be dropped to match the frame rate specified. It is a filter that will convert the video to the specified constant frame rate by duplicating or dropping frames as necessary. You can change the frame rate by adding the argument -vf fps or -filter:v fps with the number of frames to the basic command. We can generate different outputs by adding some extra arguments to the basic command. This is because the length of the video is 9.13 seconds, and 30 images will be generated from every second of it (30 images x 9.13 seconds). As a result, a total of 274 images will be generated from the input video. This means that 30 images will be extracted for every second of the video when running the basic command ffmpeg -i input.mp4 %04d.png. You should get a result similar to this:įrom the screenshot above, the frame rate of the video is 30 fps. The information about the video will be printed in the terminal.

list of ffmpeg commands

This is the basic command for extracting images from a video using FFmpeg:

list of ffmpeg commands

For reference, the version of FFmpeg used in this tutorial is v5.0.1. You will need to download FFmpeg for this tutorial to extract images from a video. It contains multiple tools for end-users to convert, play and analyze media files and libraries for developers to use in different applications. It is also highly portable as it compiles and runs in a wide variety of build environments, machine architectures, and configurations like Linux, Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, etc. It can decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much any media file in any format.

list of ffmpeg commands

Click here to download the video instead.įFmpeg is a complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. Your browser does not support the video tag.

list of ffmpeg commands

In this tutorial, we will be using the FFmpeg command-line tool to extract images from the video below using several different commands. You can use it to generate thumbnails for your videos or take a screenshot of the video at any given time. FFmpeg is a very robust tool for different types of media operations, including extracting images from a video.

List of ffmpeg commands